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In the run up to your summer holiday, you're excited to leave your stresses at home and enjoy a relaxing week or two sightseeing or lying on a golden beach sipping a fruity cocktail.
You've planned all your outfits, changed your currency and packed your suitcase. You're ready to head to the airport.
But have you really remembered the essentials?
It's the beginning of the year and you may have made and broken a whole load of resolutions by now.
If you haven't fulfilled all your aims yet, don't worry – neither has anyone else! January wasn't the best of months to make a change. Maybe you were still paying off Christmas, the weather was miserable, most people started dieting and laying off the booze and all in all, everyone was a little bit sluggish.
However, now that February has arrived, it's time to really make a difference.
Instead of setting unrealistic goals to achieve by the end of the year, why not take things back to basics and look after number one? Choosing some very achievable tasks will leave you feeling better in yourself than forcing yourself to attend a gruelling gym class five times a week.
We've put together a guide that is easy for you to stick to and that you will actually enjoy – so your resolutions will actually be achieved this year!
The nights are drawing in, the weather becomes wilder and the roads turns more treacherous. That's right, winter is about to herald its arrival to the discerning car owner. According to statisitics released by the Highways Agency, more than 11,000 incidents took place last winter between October and December on motorways and major roads.
So, don't be a statistic: Make sure you implement these top ten tips to get your car ready for Winter.