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Published: 18/12/2014

A Dog Owner's Essential Supply List

When you adopt a puppy or a rescue dog, it helps to have everything you can possibly need sorted out before you bring your new furry friend home.

So here's your essential list of 15 items that you need for your new pet.

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The nights are drawing in, the weather becomes wilder and the roads turns more treacherous. That's right, winter is about to herald its arrival to the discerning car owner. According to statisitics released by the Highways Agency, more than 11,000 incidents took place last winter between October and December on motorways and major roads.

So, don't be a statistic: Make sure you implement these top ten tips to get your car ready for Winter.

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Published: 07/11/2014

eTwist Your Tache for Movember

Here we are in November, and men around the world, they are faced with an important choice: !Do I grow a moustache for this month?"

That's right, Movember is here!

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Published: 06/08/2014

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